In this section of our website you will find the links to documents to help answer questions about required Safety Equipment and helpful tips on keeping you, your crew and your vessel as safe as possible while at sea. Please note: these are just guidelines to follow based on Transport Canada regulations and remember that the equipment and training are only useful if practiced and maintained on a regular basis.
“Fishermen go to sea to make a living but they have to live to go to sea”
Safety Equipment Required Based on Vessel Size…. (see the attached documents)
Under 19’8”
Over 29’6” but under 39’4”
39’4” to 49’2”
Over 49’2”
On-board familiarization sheet
“These lists are being provided as a Quick Reference Guide based on information contained in the Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations which came in to force July 12, 2017 and compiled by the Fisheries Safety Association of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Fisheries Sector Council. These lists in not intended to be all inclusive or referencing all Section of these Regulations. Owners and Operators of fishing vessels should consult with their local Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security office or the Transport Canada website for further information”
From Transport Canada
“If you own and operate small fishing vessels, the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and the new Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations require you to keep written safety procedures. To help you do this, Transport Canada has created operational and safety procedure templates you can download from https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-fishing-vessels-small-menu-4526.html and adapt for your use”