Fundy North has a history of collaborating across sectors on projects. We work through government programs, with government organizations, in partnership with other industries and academic institutions.
See below for details on select current projects
Abundance and Distribution of Green and Jonah Crab
Made possible by the support of the
Coastal Environmental Baseline Program
Our harvesters have reported that the amount of Jonah and Green crab they see has been increasing dramatically over the last several years. In response, we are studying the abundance and distribution of each species to better understand changes to the local populations.
On Demand Gear and Smart Buoy Technology
Made possible by the support of the Canadian Nature Fund
The Bay of Fundy is a unique marine environment unlike any other, where rich nutrients and a complex circulation system have created a diverse ecosystem that supports many species of marine life. It also presents unique challenges to those who work on the water, including some of the strongest tides and currents in the world. The need to alter fishing practices to reduce the impact on species like the North Atlantic Right Whale is increasing, so Fundy North will be the testing new and developing fishing technology designed to reduce impact under real fishing conditions in the Bay of Fundy.